Buddleja | Butterfly Bush: Graceful Transitions with this Resilient Flower

Oh so lovely Buddleja, often called Butterfly Bush, while revered by butterflies, bees, and other pollinators, is actually cast as a noxious weed here in the US, despite her prominent beauty and lingering soft honey aroma. 

The same qualities that categorize Buddleja as a weed, however, can also be seen as positive attributes in energetic qualities: It is highly resilient and adaptable to many environments, growing and spreading rapidly, even in earth that doesn't seem conducive to growth...rubble, cracks in concrete...it's even been called the "bombsite plant" because it was the first plant to grow where bombs fell in London during the Blitz^.

These enduring qualities translate seamlessly into Buddleja's beneficial properties. Energetically, her gentle resilience lends well to use in courage, endurance, breaking barriers or patterns, the hope of freedom, and rebuilding, all while maintaining grace and poise. Meditate or pray with the flowers, keep a sachet under your pillow, use it in rituals, or on your altar as an offering. "Empty-nesters" may find comfort in Buddleja's presence during that particular transition.  

Medicinally, Buddleja has traditionally used for inflammation, rheumatism, and skin conditions. It also offers protection from UV damage and is particularly protective for mature skin*. Infuse dried flowers into oil to make a skin defensive salve or liniment with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties. 


Due to Buddleja's wildly prolific nature, many regions in the US require that non-sterile varieties not be planted. But if non-sterile plants already stand, it's best to remove all of the flowering or seeded heads each August (in the northern hemisphere) before they can be spread.

What better excuse to make your own Buddleja concoctions for your Mabon festivities! 




*Raja S and Ramya I: A review on ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Buddleja asiatica. Int J Pharm Sci Res 2016; 7(12): 4697-09.doi: 10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232.7(12).4697-09.


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